Our Story
We are committed to inventing golf products that give golfers more independence on the course. Our first product is T-UP Assist which allows you to place your tee in the ground and the ball on the tee, without bending over.
Steve realised there was a need for T-UP ASSIST after seeing people have problems trying to bend over to put the tee in the ground and the ball on the tee. Not only did they hate having to ask people to help them, but some would stop playing because they did not want to play if they could not play independently.
At the same time Steve started volunteering for the Adaptive Golf tournaments in Australia (called “All Abilities Golf” in Australia) and was paired to caddy Shem, who is paraplegic. The only thing Shem could not do independently was place the tee on the ground and the ball on the tee!
We spent four years engineering T-UP ASSIST to ensure that the design worked seamlessy.
The story does not stop here, we are working on future products to help people enjoy golf indepently for as long as they wish to be out on the course.